Silva Spirit Farm - Tiverton, RI
Tel: (401) 640-7506
Marjory Gray
My name is Marjory Roberts Gray, and I am a clinical psychologist who has been in private practice for 18 years. I have worked with many issues, including but not limited to depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress.
I have loved horses since I was a child and so was thrilled to discover that this powerful, beautiful animal could assist in the psychological healing process.
I received my certification in equine-assisted psychotherapy in 2015 from EAGALA, and I have been lucky enough to witness the profound ways in which horses facilitate experiential learning and change for a wide variety of clients.
This type of treatment allows a story to emerge about each person we bring into the arena, and our equine partners help shape the direction and nature of that story with their in-the-moment, immediate “feedback.”
- Marjory Roberts Gray

Marge & Turner Fall '20